Home » ATMIS congratulates SNA on the liberation of Adan Yabaal

ATMIS congratulates SNA on the liberation of Adan Yabaal

by Alex Kithumbu

atmis press release


(For Immediate release)

ATMIS PR/11/2022

ATMIS congratulates SNA on the liberation of Adan Yabaal

Mogadishu, 6 December 2022 – The SRCC and Head of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), Ambassador Mohammed El-Amine Souef, congratulates Somali Security Forces on the liberation of Adan Yabaal, a town in the Middle Shabelle region that was a training ground for Al-Shabaab militants.

“We applaud our brave Somali Security Forces and partners who are demonstrating, through the ongoing military offensives that they are able to deliver destructive and decisive blows to Al-Shabaab in all their hideouts”, said Ambassador Souef.

“ATMIS will continue to work with the Federal Government of Somalia and the people in the fight against terrorism and to bring security and stability to Somalia”, he emphasised.

The Acting Force Commander, Brig Gen. Keith Katungi, said ATMIS was providing mutual support to the ongoing military operations. “ATMIS helicopters from Sector one have been providing the much-needed targeted air strikes and casualty evacuation throughout the offensive operations to support Somali Security Forces on the ground.”

He added that: “Together, we shall degrade and defeat Al-Shabaab.”


For more information contact
Snr. Communications Officer Ms. Gifty Bingley
or Force Spokesperson Lt. Col. A. Ganale
Email: atmismediacenter@gmail.com
Cell phone: (Somalia) +252 617 682 175/+252 613 665 356; (Nairobi) +254 722 586005


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