Home » Soomaaliya oo ATMIS ku ammaantay doorkeeda ku aaddan bixinta taageerada amniga intii lagu jirey hannaanka doorashada 2021/2022

Somalia salutes ATMIS for its role in providing security support during the 2021/2022 electoral process

by Alex Kithumbu

Mogadishu, 23 May 2022 – The comprehensive security support provided by the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) to the Somalia Security Forces before, during and after the just concluded electoral process has been acknowledged by the Somali Police Commissioner, Maj Gen. Abdi Hassan Mohamed.

At a ceremony on Sunday May 22, 2022, the Somali Police Commissioner, Maj. Gen. Abdi Hassan Mohamed, honoured ATMIS, Somali Security Agencies and the International Community for their contributions to a successful and peaceful electoral process.

The electoral process started with the election of 329 members of the Lower House and Upper House of Parliament, who were then sworn into office and elected Speakers for the Upper and Lower House. This was followed with the Presidential elections on 15 May in Mogadishu. Which was won by Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud following three rounds of voting.

In a citation in honour of ATMIS, the Somali Police Commissioner said: “I would like to congratulate and show my appreciation to ATMIS, whose police, military and civilian officers have been supportive and reliable in helping us secure the country and deliver on a successful election.”

He said during the electoral process, the security situation in the country was largely calm with adequate security for electoral officials, candidates and voting center. He attributed this to the collaboration between ATMIS, the SPF and other Somali security agencies.

For their leadership, ATMIS Force Commander – Lt Gen. Diomede Ndegeya, ATMIS Sector One Commander – Brig. Gen. Keith Katungi, ATMIS Police Chief of Staff – Commissioner Rex Dundun, and Acting Police Operations Coordinator – Superintendent of Police Allan Tugiizire, were presented with certificates by the Somali Police Force.

The ATMIS Force Commander, Lt. Gen. Diomede Ndegeya, underscored the close coordination and collaboration between ATMIS and Somali security forces was important to maintaining peace and security. He said for the elections, detailed precautionary security measures were put in place at the highest level.

“We worked very closely with the Somali Police Commissioner, sometimes holding three to four meetings a day. We started with securing the elections in the Federal member States, and the successful swearing-in of the Members of Parliament. The elections of both speakers of the Upper and Lower houses was also successful and this was followed with the Presidential elections.  We made adequate deployments on land, sea and in the air in the run-up to the Presidential elections. We are grateful to all the Somali security forces for their support throughout the process,” said Lt. Gen. Ndegeya.

Present at the ceremony on Sunday was the Minister for Interior, Farhan Ali Ahmed, who lauded the Somali security forces for ensuring a peaceful electoral process and praised international partners for their support.

“Securing this election process was not an easy task. The Somali Police Force worked tirelessly day and night to ensure that elections were conducted in a peaceful and fair manner,” he said.

ATMIS Police Chief of Staff – Commissioner Rex Dundun, dedicated the award to ATMIS Police officers.

“Many ATMIS Police officers were involved in this process and although some have since rotated out of the mission, this award goes to all of them including the leadership of ATMIS Police, he declared.

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