Home » Les partenaires internationaux félicitent le nouveau Président Hassan Sheikh Mohamud

International Partners Congratulate New President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud

by Alex Kithumbu


International Partners Congratulate New President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud

Somalia’s international partners* congratulate Hassan Sheikh Mohamud on his election as President of the Federal Government of Somalia.

We thank outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo for honouring Somalia’s political tradition by immediately accepting the electoral results and pledging support to his successor.

We express appreciation to Somalia’s Parliamentary leadership and professional staff, the members of the Joint Committee organizing the Presidential elections, and the Somali Security Forces and African Union Transition Mission in Somalia for delivering an orderly, peaceful, and secure Presidential election.

Somalia’s international partners remain steadfast in our commitment to Somalia. We look forward to understanding the new President’s priorities so that we can work together to advance peace, prosperity, and sound governance in Somalia.


*African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), Canada, China, Denmark, Egypt, Ethiopia, European Union (EU), Finland, Germany, Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, League of Arab States (LAS), Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Qatar, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Russian Federation, Sudan, Sweden, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States and United Nations.

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