Home » Madaxa ATMIS ayaa Mar Labaad Xaqiijiyay Habsami u Socodka Wareejinta Mas’uuliyadaha Amniga Isagoo Ku Guda Jira Booqasho uu Ku Tagey Dowlad-Goboleedka Hirshabeelle

Head of ATMIS reassures of smooth transfer of security responsibilities during a visit to Hirshabelle State

by Alex Kithumbu

Jowhar, 15 June 2024 – The African Union Special Representative for Somalia, Ambassador Mohamed El-Amine Souef, visited Hirshabelle to reassure the Somali public that ATMIS troops draw down will not result in a security vacuum.

“The African Union will not abandon Somalia. Even as ATMIS troops draw down, we will ensure there is no security vacuum. The transition will be well coordinated between the Federal Member States (FMS), the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS), International partners and the African Union,” said the SRCC on Friday after a two-day visit to Jowhar.

Accompanied by senior ATMIS officials, including the Deputy Force Commander of Operations and Plans, Maj. Gen. Marius Ngendabanka and Commissioner of Police (CP), Hillary Sao Kanu, the Head of ATMIS met with Hirshabelle State President, Ali Guudlawe Hussein; the Mayor of Jowhar Osman Mohamed Muqtar Barey and representatives from civil society organisations and the local administration. He also visited the Xawaadely and Horseed Forward Operating Bases in Sector Five, mannedby ATMIS Burundian troops.

“We came to assess the work of our contingent, and everybody we met spoke highly of our contingent, including the President, the civil society representatives, the elders and the local authority officials. They mentioned our contingent’s commitment, experience and willingness to support and assist in terms of Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) and security,” added the SRCC.

The visit is part of SRCC’s tour of the Federal Member States to assess the operational preparedness, welfare and morale of troops, in preparation for the AU-led mission post-ATMIS exit.

Ambassador Souef commended the Burundi troops for their efforts in countering and degrading Al-Shabaab, urging them to remain vigilant and work closely with the Somali Security Forces and the local community.

According to UN Security Council Resolution 2710 (2023), ATMIS is mandated to withdraw 4,000 troops in the third phase of troop withdrawal and be replaced by Somali Security Forces.

So far, ATMIS has withdrawn 5,000 troops and handed over 17 military bases to the Somali Security Forces during the first and second phases of the drawdown concluded last year.

Maj. Gen. Ngendabanka reiterated ATMIS’ commitment to strengthening peacebuilding efforts in the region and working with the Somali National Army (SNA) to secure Hirshabelle.

“We are here to help Somalia restore peace and stability, and we will continue working towards achieving this noble goal,” he said.

Ambassador Souef praised the United Nations and ATMIS personnel stationed in Jowhar for their commitment and sacrifice to Somalia’s peacebuilding process.

He expressed confidence in Somalia’s recent election to the UN Security Council, its admission to the East African Community and the lifting of the arms embargo as positive signs for the country’s future and the entire continent.

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