Home » Newly deployed ATMIS medical officers inducted on mission procedures

Newly deployed ATMIS medical officers inducted on mission procedures

by Alex Kithumbu

Mogadishu- The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) is inducting newly deployed medical officers to orient them on their expected roles during their tour of duty in Somalia.

The medical officers drawn from various troop and police-contributing countries will be updated on various situational and operational procedures including the management of medical scenes, pre-hospital emergency care, medical logistics, tactical extraction of casualties as well as case and medical evacuations.

ATMIS Deputy Force Commander in-charge of Operations and Plans, Maj. Gen. William Shume, who opened the forum, urged the officers to use the opportunity to acquire new skills peculiar to the mission.

“This is a special conference. It is our first since transitioning from AMISOM to ATMIS. This is particularly important as you will be having new roles as members of the Joint Logistics Operations Bases (JLBOs) in your respective sectors,” said Maj. Gen. Shume, who represented the ATMIS Force Commander.

55 officers including senior medical officers, laboratory technicians, pharmacists, and nursing officers drawn from across the sectors in Somalia are attending the 5-day induction.

“As we move into Phase 2 of the CONOPS where there will be more mobile operations, we anticipate significant cases that will require your attention. The conference is therefore important to help you understand the situation and offer life-saving skills,” added Maj. Gen. Shume.

The induction conference is being facilitated by officials from the UK Medical Support Team (MST), Safelane, as well as ATMIS and UNSOS.


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