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ATMIS fetes outgoing Ethiopian contingent in Beletweyne for advancing peace in Somalia

by Alex Kithumbu

BELETWEYNE, 9 June 2022 – An African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) Ethiopian contingent that has completed its tour of duty in Beletweyne has been feted for its service in advancing peace in Somalia.

The contingent, which was based in Sector 4 in Hiiran region of Hirshabelle State, on Tuesday received African Union (AU) certificates of merit for distinguished service in securing peace and working closely with Somali Security Forces to deter threats from Al-Shabaab terrorists. The troops have been in Somalia for over two years.

ATMIS Sector 4 Deputy Commander Col. Yeshiwas Kerebet hailed the troops for their gallantry and for playing a significant role in contributing to peace in Somalia. The event was also attended by Hiiran region Governor, Ali Jeyte Osman, members of the civil society as well as other Hiiran and ATMIS officials.

“We have conducted our mission based on ATMIS mandate with support from stakeholders like UNMAS, local administration for Hiiran region, security forces and SNA. During this time, we succeeded until now without any problem using our human and material resources to protect civilians from Al-Shabaab,” Col. Kerebet added.

The Governor of Hiiran Region, Mr. Osman said he was impressed with the performance and commitment of the Ethiopian contingent to contributing to the peace process in Somalia, saying the troops had delivered under challenging situations.

Elder Abdi Sheikh Farah from Hiiran region expressed gratitude and praised the troops for their service in Somalia.

“We thank you for your sacrifices and contribution you have made to the safety and stability of Somalia, your efforts are greatly appreciated. You have played a significant role in contributing to the peace process in the region. We thank all ATMIS troops in Beletweyne and elsewhere,” elder Farah said.

ATMIS Sector 4, based in Beletweyne, is a multinational sector served also by the Djibouti Armed Forces (DJAF).

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