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Change of guard as new Nigerian Formed Police Unit commander takes charge

by Alex Kithumbu

Mogadishu, 10 July 2022—The Nigeria Formed Police Unit (NFPU), serving under the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), has had a change of guard with Superintendent of Police (SP), Mohammed Ibrahim, taking over command during a handover ceremony in Mogadishu, Somalia.

SP Ibrahim, who will command the 11th contingent of NFPU to be deployed to the mission, took over from outgoing commander, SP Samuel Bassey Ita, in a ceremony presided over by ATMIS Police Commissioner, Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIGP), Augustine Magnus Kailie.

AIGP Kailie. commended the outgoing NFPU commander and his team for serving with honor, professionalism, and courage to advance the ATMIS mandate.

“We have gone through a lot of hurdles in Jowhar and Beletweyne but we overcame. Your great team from Nigeria performed remarkably . Thank you for the relentless service you have delivered to the people of Somali. When you go back home, share your incisive experience,’’ AIGP Kailie told the outgoing team.

In his handover remarks, SP Ita, thanked the officers who served under his command for advancing the mission’s mandate, despite disruptions brought forth by the COVID-19 pandemic and the demand to provide adequate security during the just concluded national elections.

“The major achievement since I came here has been the participation of my officers in the just ended elections which led to the election of members of parliament, Speakers and the President. We were part of the history which took place here in Somalia,” said SP. Ita.

The 159-member NFPU contingent which has completed its tour of duty has been serving under the ATMIS mandate since 21 March 2021. Forty officers were awarded medals and certificates for their exemplary service.

Incoming NFPU contingent commander, SP Ibrahim, lauded ATMIS military, police and civilian components for the progress achieved in implementing the mission’s mandate thus far.

The incoming NFPU contingent will be key in supporting capacity building for the Somalia Police Force (SPF) and the realization of the full transfer of security responsibilities to the Somalia Security Forces.

In addition to holding joint patrols and protecting vital installations and civilians through deployments, ATMIS police are mandated to support specialized training, and mentorship to the Somalia Police Force.

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