Home » ATMIS Deputy Force Commander visits Uganda contingent headquarters

ATMIS Deputy Force Commander visits Uganda contingent headquarters

by Alex Kithumbu

Mogadishu – The new ATMIS Deputy Force Commander in charge of Support and Logistics, Maj. Gen. Peter Kimani Muteti on Tuesday, visited the ATMIS Uganda contingent headquarters as part of his familiarization with Mission activities.

Maj. Gen. Muteti, a senior officer in the Kenya Defence Forces assumed his new role as one of the ATMIS Deputy Force Commanders last month.

Speaking at the headquarters, the Deputy Force Commander hailed the contribution and sacrifice made by Ugandan troops not only for liberating Mogadishu from the control of Al-Shabab militants but also in fighting terrorism in other parts of the country since they first deployed in Somalia in 2007.

“Today as we speak, Mogadishu security has been transferred to the Somali security forces and all that is because of the effort you people put up for a long time,” said Maj. Gen. Muteti.

He urged ATMIS components mainly military, police and civilian units to continue working together to help Somalia realize peace and stability.

“Your efforts are commendable, and we believe that together as ATMIS, we can always succeed. In the end, ATMIS’ ultimate objective or end state is to deliver on our mandate. This is to ensure that Somalia is peaceful, stable, and able to take part in the community of nations,” the Deputy Force Commander noted.

Maj Gen. Muteti appealed to ATMIS soldiers to protect lives during military operations and follow international laws, including the International Human Rights Law and the International Humanitarian Law.

Maj. Gen. Muteti held a closed-door meeting with the Uganda Contingent Commander, Brig. Gen. Peter Gaetano Omola, his deputy Col. Griffin Kantinti and other senior military officers.

During the meeting Brig. Gen. Omola briefed the Deputy Force Commander on security, operations and logistical issues impacting peace support operations in Sector One.

Brig. Omola also pledged that the Ugandan forces in Somalia would continue to support ATMIS in the execution of its mandate to degrade armed opposition groups in Somalia including Al-Shabaab.

Maj Gen Muteti was accompanied by senior officers from the ATMIS Force Headquarters including Col. Davidson Nwogu, the ATMIS Force Engineer, Lt. Col. Abdullahi Ganale, the ATMIS Force Spokesperson and Lt. Col. Mwila Peter Lungu, ATMIS Chief Communications Officer.

Uganda is one of the ATMIS troop-contributing countries alongside Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Kenya.


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