Home » ATMIS trains Hirshabelle Police Officers on Police Station Management

ATMIS trains Hirshabelle Police Officers on Police Station Management

by Alex Kithumbu

Jowhar, 19 September 2023 – A group of Hirshabelle State Police officers has ended a five-day training course on how to run police stations and reduce crime in communities. 

The training from police officers serving with the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) covered a range of topics, such as community policing, search and arrest, detention, criminal investigation procedures and methods and responsibilities of station commanders. 

“As ATMIS, we are proud that we have been able to execute this training, as one of our main mandates is to provide capacity building to the Somali Police Force,” said the ATMIS Team Leader Training and Development in Sector 5, Sgt. Zainab Mayah Conteh at the closing ceremony on Monday. 

Sgt. Conteh noted that topics such as community policing, arrest, search and detention were important in modern-day policing and crime prevention. 

“Some of these techniques that have been taught here today are valuable to both the Somali Police Force and the community as a whole, which is why when a country has a good police force it will most likely have improved security systems as well” added Sgt. Zeinab. 

The Deputy Commander of Jowhar Airfield Police Station, Lt. Ahmed Abdulle Madobe, thanked ATMIS Police for conducting the much-needed training for the Hirshabelle police officers. 

“The five-day course on station management and community policing was really valuable. The participants gained important skills. We are grateful to ATMIS police for the much-needed training provided to our police officers,” said Madobe. 

He noted that the training would help the officers discharge their duties professionally and also maintain good relations with the community. 

Officer Abdi Osman, one of the participants, said the training had improved his skills and knowledge on how to fight crime and develop better relations with community members. 

“I gained important skills from the five-day course on police station management conducted by ATMIS. We hope they will conduct more capacity-building training in the near future” said Osman, a Hirshabelle police officer. 

ATMIS Police component supports the Somali Police Force by providing capacity-building training, advice and mentoring officers, conducting regular joint patrols and protecting vital installations. 

The training and mentorship programmes are part of preparations for the Somali Police Force to take full security responsibility when ATMIS exits Somalia in December 2024. 

Also present were ATMIS Police Coordinating Officer in Hirshabelle, SP Aguta Jimton and ATMIS Civil Affairs Officer and Team Coordinator Sector 5, Christopher Aria. 

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