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ATMIS Police donate medical supplies on familiarization visit to Lower Jubaland Police Headquarters

by Alex Kithumbu

Kismayo, 12 June 2023 – ATMIS Police Ag. Coordinating officer SP. Kisaba Rimamnyang and ATMIS Police RR&D Coordinator ACP John Simon led a team of officers from the Mission Headquarters in Mogadishu to deliver a consignment of medical supplies during a familiarization tour of Lower Jubaland State Police Headquarters in the port city of Kismayo.

The donation was made following an earlier request by the Lower Jubaland Somali Police Force (LJSPF).

In his remarks, the ATMIS Police RR& D Coordinator who conveyed a message from the ATMIS Police Commissioner- CP Hillary Sao Kano, commended the cordial working relationship between the Somali Police Force and ATMIS.

SP Rimamnyang, emphasized the needs assessment program to address the challenges faced by the Jubaland Police force to enable them attain international Policing standards.

The Lower Jubaland Somali Police Force Deputy Commissioner of Police, Col. Hussein Ali Hashi who received the medical drugs on behalf of the region’s Police Commissioner, commended the ATMIS Leadership team for the kind gesture and continuous support to SPF.

 The event was attended by ATMIS Police Medical Advisor CP. Agnes Muriithi, Legal Advisor SP. Odonkor Eunice, SP. Yamu Joel Moses and SP. Klu Enyonam as well ASP Edward Conteh- Medical Advisor, Kismayo.

 Under the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2628, the ATMIS Police component is mandated to provide training, advising, mentorship and operational support to the Somali Police Force (SPF) including joint patrols and protection of vital installations.

ATMIS Police have so far supported the training of over 150 police recruits in Jubaland State who have since graduated and been deployed to various areas in the region.


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