Home » SPF officers conclude training on community policing

SPF officers conclude training on community policing

by Alex Kithumbu

Mogadishu  – Thirty-nine Somali Police Force (SPF) officers have concluded a week-long training on community policing to enhance their knowledge and skills in tackling violent extremism.

The training which was attended by 17 station commanders and six representatives from the Community Policing Directorate was conducted by the Police Component of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS).

The officers were taken through various modules including community policing strategies, conflict resolution, professional standards, and code of ethics. Others were countering violent extremism, community engagement, and gender issues.

Speaking at the closing ceremony, Monday, ATMIS Police Team Leader Reforms, Restructuring and Development (RDD), Sao Vandy, said community policing training is a key pillar in building the capacity of the SPF to discharge its duties effectively.

“The community policing training is key in enhancing the capacity of the SPF to take over the country’s security responsibilities when ATMIS forces exit at the end of their mandate,” said the Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) Vandy.

The SPF Director of Community Policing, Brigadier General Yusuf Mohamed Farah, noted that community policing is critical in restoring peace and stability in Somalia and called for similar training in the Federal Member States.

“Community policing is a big subject and this training is essential in fostering a good working relationship with the communities we serve,” said Brig. Gen. Farah.

Chief Inspector Warsan Hasan Hagar, one of the participants, said the training had equipped her with valuable skills and knowledge on the relevance of community policing in modern society.

“We have learned how to collaborate, interact, and form close relationships in order to strengthen ties between the community and the police,” said Chief Inspector Hagar.

The training is part of the ATMIS Police mandate which is to help build the capacity of the SPF by offering specialised training, advice, and mentorship in line with the Somali Transition Plan.


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