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ATMIS congratulates Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre on his approval by the federal Parliament

by Alex Kithumbu

Mogadishu, 25 June 2022 – The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) extends warmest congratulations to H.E Hamza Abdi Barre upon his approval as Prime Minister by the Lower House of the federal Parliament of Somalia.

H.E Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre’s overwhelming approval paves the way for the appointment of cabinet members. ATMIS also thanks the Speaker Sheikh Aden Madobe and members of the Lower House of the federal Parliament, for presiding over and conducting a patriotic duty, which has been a significant step forward in the formation of the government.

ATMIS will stand ready to support the newly constituted Federal Government of Somalia led by H.E President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, in achieving the objective of a Somalia at peace with itself and at peace with the world.


For more information contact
Snr. Communications Officer or Force Spokesperson
Ms. Gifty Bingley or Lt. Col. Daniel Mugoro Muiruri,
Email: atmismediacenter@gmail.com
Cell phone: (Somalia) +252 617 682 175/+252 613 665 356; (Nairobi) +254 722 788 975

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